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Every single time you make a sale on your website you are paid 3.5 hours later! We are paid through a company called payquicker. After your first sale you will receive an email from payquicker 3.5 hours later. Through that email go to payquicker's website and sign up for an account.
From there you can transfer money to your personal bank account and keep up with your transactions. Once you have earned $50 in commission a pretty purple debit card will automatically be mailed to you!
**TIP- always use your debit card as "credit" or it will be charged 25-cents every time you swipe it!
***TIP- Prior to getting your debit card you can transfer money to your personal bank account for 50-cents!
After your first sale, you should get an email from Payquicker. This will prompt you to set up an account.
Even though you get your payquicker card after you have earned $50 commisions, you can still access your money. You can access by transferring into your bank account or requesting a check.
Save your log in and information in a safe place because this is how you will get paid!
Download the payquicker app too!
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